
Ownership of the PIAT

The PIAT was funded by New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the New Zealand Aid Programme (MFAT) under contract to VicLink (Pacific Biosecurity). The following contractual IP considerations apply to the PIAT (the Buyer – and owner - of the PIAT is MFAT, and the Supplier is VicLink):

1.   Pre-existing Intellectual Property Rights remain the property of their current owner
2.   New Intellectual Property Rights in the Outputs become the Buyer’s property when they are created, unless otherwise agreed
3.   The Supplier grants to the Buyer a perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, worldwide and royalty-free licence to use, for any purpose, any Pre-existing Intellectual Property Rights in the Outputs. This licence includes the right to:
  a. use
  b. copy
  c. modify, and
  d. distribute
    any materials to which the licence relates
4.   The Supplier acknowledges that MFAT may grant a licence in relation to any Pre-existing Intellectual Property Rights to a New Zealand Public Service agency, or third party (including a partner government). Where appropriate, MFAT may acknowledge the owner of any Pre-existing Intellectual Property Rights when granting a licence

Copyright and the PIAT

The PIAT contains resources that are subject to existing copyright. Where possible (and where existing content is not in the public domain), permission to use existing materials has been obtained. 

As Pacific Biosecurity is an entity within Victoria University of Wellington, some materials subject to copyright were accessible through the subscriptions that the university has for staff and students. Approval to use these materials will need to be obtained. 

If any party considers their right to ownership has been inadvertently infringed by Pacific Biosecurity, the content will be immediately removed. Please contact Pacific Biosecurity.

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