i-Kiribati outreach resources

Here are some of the resources that have been developed for the PIAT, which have been translated into i-Kiribati. Many thanks to our colleagues at the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD) for this effort.

Ant life cycle for students   Awareness posters / information sheets (descriptions)   Awareness posters / information sheets (impacts)   Map of ant distributions
description of ant life cycle for students
awareness posters created in PowerPoint for red imported fire ants, little fire ants and yellow crazy ants for Tarawa and Kiritimati
visual information on impacts of red imported fire ants, little fire ants and yellow crazy ants

distributions of red imported fire ants, little fire ants and yellow crazy ants
Biosecurity colouring poster for students   Word search for students   Crossword for students    

biosecurity awareness poster for colouring, originally devised by Pacific Invasives Initiative

word search for older children and solution

crossword for older children and solution
Biosecurity arrivals poster / label   Ants and ladders game for students - and adults too :-)        
declare / dispose bin label
ants and ladders game

Designed posters

Targeted primarily at air travelers and individuals   Targeted at importers   To assist with awareness and identification   To assist with awareness and identification

high resolution 2 posters per page (download 6 MB)

low resolution 2 posters per page


high resolution 2 posters per page (download 6 MB)

low resolution 2 posters per page


high resolution 2 posters per page (download 3 MB)

low resolution 2 posters per page (download 2 MB)


high resolution 2 posters per page (download 3 MB)

low resolution 2 posters per page (download 2 MB)